To Infinity and Beyond

Yes, I know. It’s been a while.

How’s everyone doing?

I’ve been missingĀ for quite some time, so let me explain what I’ve been up to this past month.

I was planning a trip to Disneyland! WooHoo. In all my 16 years of existence, I had never made it out to the west coast to visit Walt’s original Magic Kingdom (and that other park built on its former parking lot). Now, I can say thatĀ I’ve been there, done that, and bought enough merchandise to prove it!

While I was down in the Golden State I was also treated to an amazing Walt Disney Studios tour, thanks to Disney Movie Rewards. Ten years of buying Disney movies and collecting points paid off big time, and the tour was definitely a highlight of my trip!

I’ll make separate posts about my studio tour and my days at Disneyland, but for now I’ll leave you with a picture I took during my tour that gives away absolutely nothing, I just really like it. I hope you do too.